Thursday, December 08, 2005

Why Christmas lists are out and Amazon wishlists are in

Okay, so this year instead of using a regular old-fashioned Christmas list I decided to throw something new into the mix I'm talking Amazon wishlists. You might think that a Christmas list is better or just the same as a Amazon wishlist. It's not because for the Computer inclined person it's much easier to obtain the items you want and you're more likely to get more presents because the buyer can Just click and get the item. Nowadays virtually everyone has a computer or can access one fairly easily so even for the not so computer inclined person it would still be just as easy or easier r to get the items. Another feature is that you can see when the person bought you the things (you can also shut this option off).

Create or search a wishlist today at

1 comment:

Hebrew National said...

Yeah Yours was extremely dull unless of course your into nanotechnology which fortunately I'm not.